Caregiver Education

Workshops and seminars are available to help you master the practical skills of caregiving such as administering medication, fall prevention, or how to support your loved one with dementia.


The Center for Caregiver Support offers monthly classes focused on essential topics for those caring for a loved one with a life-limiting illness.

Attendance is free for all workshops and respite care is available on-site for loved-ones.

Future workshop topics include: Advance care planning, bed baths, durable medical equipment and more. Check the Center for Caregiver Support calendar for upcoming workshops or join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on events.

Caregiver Retreat

The Center for Caregiver Support offers a twice-yearly caregiver retreat which focuses on helping participants explore their experiences as a caregiver with a group of like-minded individuals.

“ The [Caregiver Retreat] was a perfect endeavor from start to finish as Amy and David greeted us, receiving the materials, the spacious and lovely meeting room, the coffee and all that came with that, the lunch and all that came with that, I mean down to the beautiful gardens and the clean and lovely bathrooms-everything was beautiful! Thank you very much!”

The Caregiver Retreat is free to attend and on-site respite card is available for your loved one.

Caregivers at the Spring Retreat connecting with others.
Caregivers at the Spring Retreat connected with others and reflected on their caregiver experience through a creative art project.

Caregiver Peer Support Group

Being a caregiver can bring on a wealth of challenges and emotions. Connecting with other caregivers can help.

YoloCares offers a twice-monthly support group for caregivers to connect with one another, share their experiences and grow each individual’s support system. Held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month from 9-11am (during the same time as Saturday Club), caregivers are able to bring their loved one with them to receive respite at Saturday Club free of charge.

Please RSVP to the support group with Kathy Hayes at