Joshua’s House

A start-up to feel good about.

Help launch Joshua’s House, the first hospice residence for unhoused people on the West Coast.

84-year-old community leader and advocate Marlene von Friederichs-Fitzwater, MA, Ph.D., MPH, has raised $2 million dollars to open the West Coast’s first hospice residence to care for unhoused Californians who are dying on our streets. Many generous individuals and healthcare providers have stepped up to pledge their support and so much progress has been made.

90 percent of funding has been raised. The land has been secured. Six ADA-compliant manufactured homes have been paid for. A plan for operation is in place.

But the project needs a final round of funding to launch this invaluable service.

$500,000 in funding is essential to finish the last of the construction. Your tax-deductible investment will help introduce a new model of care for unhoused people that can be replicated across the United States.

Will you stand with California’s most vulnerable residents and help fund the completion of Joshua’s House?

To make your tax-deductible investment, email or click here.